Past State Deputy of Ontario State Council visits KCFAPI office
Ontario Past State Deputy reciting the prayer for the Cause of Fr. Willmann during the museum tour together with KCFAPI officials.

One of the delegates during the ten-day visit of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) / Caritas Canada in the country was Arthur Peters.
He was a member of Columbian Squires and became Knights of Columbus State Deputy of Ontario State Council.
Peters, visited the oldest K of C Council in the country (KCMC 1000) and the KCFAPI office both located in Intramuros, Manila accompanied by KCFAPI Chairman, Alonso Tan; KCFAPI President and Luzon State Deputy, Arsenio Isidro Yap; Luzon State Spiritual Formation Chairman, Edwin Dawal; KCMC 1000 Grand Knight, Jun Florendo; District Deputy, Noel Lacanilao; and KC Foundations Executive Director, Roberto Cruz.
Peters is now the Director of the Catholic Pastoral Centre-Development Office, Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada. (KCFAPI News)