Blessed are You, Almighty Father, source of all goodness and wisdom.
Look kindly upon us Your children, who are trying to serve You with all our heart.
Deign to raise Fr. George J. Willmann to the honors of the altar.
He was the prayerful, strong, dauntless model that all of our Filipino men need in this new era;
a man leading other men in the care and formation of the youth;
the relief of victims of war and violence; the alleviation of the suffering of the poor;
the preservation of the sanctity of life, marriage and the family.
Make him the lamp on the lampstand giving light to all in the house.
Make him the city set on the mountain, which cannot be hidden, so that all of us
may learn from his courage, his integrity, and his indomitable spirit
in the struggle to lead men to God, and to bring God to men.
Through his intercession, bestow on us the favour we ask You
in faith and according to Your will (pause here and silently entrust to the Lord your petitions).
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.
Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, DD
Bishop of Cubao
K of C Luzon State Chaplain