One of the first major events during Father Willmann’s term as Philippine District Deputy occurred before the end of the second year. From November 29 to December 2, 1049, the First Knights of Columbus National Convention in the Philippines was held. Its relevance to the prevailing conditions then was expressed by Most Reverend Alejando Olalia, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Tuguegarao, Cagayan, in his “Message,”
It is high time that the Knights militating under the banner of Christ come together in a convention, uniting their common efforts and brilliant minds to plan on a national basis activities intended to preserve and further our precious heritage, our Christian civilization. The enemies of god are ever busy in their machinations, introducing foreign and subversive ideologies excogitated for the sole purpose of destroying our present democratic way of life.
The focus of the Convention was obviously in the urgency of the threats of Communism in the country.
…the Knights of Columbus were challenged by the highest Church dignitary of the land to wage the bigger, tougher greater batter against Communism. They were challenged in all the major fields in labor, government, family, education, the press, the professions in religious, social, political, economic question.
(Source: “A History of the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines (1905-1990)” by Professor Justina S. Ocampo)